Wednesday, September 26, 2012

they get it all.

I am just going to go ahead and start writing to you like it's okay that I haven't posted anything here in almost three weeks. I am also going to refrain from apologizing, because, well, it's my blog, and I can do what I want to do.

Our life continues on. The days are a mixture of screaming and cuddling, puking and crying, eating and napping. I get to the end of my day, and it's like, oh-my-goodness-what-did-I-do-today. Parented. Cleaned. Cooked. Obsessed over E's approaching birthday party or that Josiah didn't poop, again. What I didn't realize about his parenting thing is that it's not just my body that I can't call my own anymore. It's not just my life. It's my mind, too.

And more than anything else, what always strikes me about this mommy thing, is that I live in it. I'm chin-deep in being a parent. When I worked or went to school, it was a big part of my life, sure, but then I could leave for a bit. Say, "excuse me," and go to a movie or something. But with kids, it's absolutely everything, especially because I stay home. This current season is almost mind-numbing in its all-encompassing reality. Two boys. TWO. Who was crazy enough to put me in charge of two human beings?

Friday, September 7, 2012

First game of Catch

Elias has been able to throw for awhile now, but not necessarily to anyone. He and Dada finally had their first, honest-to-goodness, game of Catch.

If you couldn't tell, he got a bit distracted by the camera... He's turning into such a ham. "CHEEEESE!"

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Summertime play

There is nothing Elias likes to do more than to go outside. Walks, water play, throwing rocks... He loves it all. Sometimes I'll walk into a room to see him just standing at the window, looking out. If we are going out at all, we have to wait until we are totally ready to go before putting our shoes on, because once he sees them, it's all, "Bye-bye? Bye-bye? Bye-bye!!"

Anyway, I've been trying to get outside with him in the mornings while Josiah takes his good nap. We stick to the backyard, with his water table and the hose. He loves it.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A glimpse of our cloth diapers

We love BumGenius diapers. We use the Elemental ones for Elias and sometimes Josiah. Before Elias was born though, and before we had very many BG AIO's, I bought a load of prefold diapers to use with a cover. They work great, are super absorbent, and are crazy cheap (about $2.50 a diaper).

But they look like this (without the cover on):

I mean, really. They look like something an Appalachian baby might wear.