Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Summertime play

There is nothing Elias likes to do more than to go outside. Walks, water play, throwing rocks... He loves it all. Sometimes I'll walk into a room to see him just standing at the window, looking out. If we are going out at all, we have to wait until we are totally ready to go before putting our shoes on, because once he sees them, it's all, "Bye-bye? Bye-bye? Bye-bye!!"

Anyway, I've been trying to get outside with him in the mornings while Josiah takes his good nap. We stick to the backyard, with his water table and the hose. He loves it.


  1. Your children!!!!!
    They are soooooooooooooooo cute!
    I wish you had the energy and money and energy and time and energy to have like 10!
    I know...bite my tongue. But seriously!!! adorable!!!! Right? That face!!!! OH MY GOODNESS SAKES!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I wish we could have ten, too! I don't think Jeremy would be up for it, though-- unfortunately.

  2. You can just SEE the joy on his face! He LOVES it. All boy, he is. Every sweet bit of him.
