Friday, May 17, 2013

signs of life

Clockwise from top left: carrots, peas, strawberries

Good morning :) My garden is showing signs of life, lots of blossoms and green sprouts. I'm still such a beginner, as this is only my second year with a garden, but what I lack (noticeably) in skill and and experience, I have (in abundance) a sense of wonder. It is still magical to me, the idea of putting seeds in the ground, with some nutrients and water (which I often forget!), and seeing beautiful flowers and vegetables grow from them. I regret the Saturday mornings I spent watching television instead of out in the garden with mom; it's been a steep learning curve as a result.

I put in a new flower bed a few weeks ago in the front yard, which gets a lot of undiluted sunshine. I then neglected to water it, until I realized just a few days ago that I was going to lose the pretty new flowers and other annuals I had put in. I hauled the hose up to the front of the house and remedied the situation, and I think they'll be okay.

I've been feeling a bit under-watered this week, too. I haven't spent hardly any time praying and meditating, or reading. I never realize until it's too late, till I'm noticeably drooping and feeling withered.  I'm asking the Lord to help me to sit still and ask for some living water today. I usually am looking forward to the weekend for some refreshing, but I'm hoping that by the time the weekend gets here, I'll already be refreshed, and ready to spend some good time with Jeremy and my littler guys. They get most of their water from their mama, so I need to get on it.

Hoping you all have a sweet, restful weekend. Take some time to drink deeply from the One who offers it.

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