Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This little guy.

He is so sweet, you guys. All smiles and chub and grunts and grins all the time.

My only complaint... he does not sleep well at night. But even this is not that bad. I get plenty of chances to hold him in the quiet of night, his long, leftover newborn hair tickling my cheek, his soft breathing in my ear. We hold hands in bed at three a.m. while he nurses, and he's barely awake when I get him up to burp him. Limp with milk, he nuzzles hard into my should while I cuddle him back to sleep.

He's almost six months old. I know now how quickly this baby thing goes. I'm enjoying it as much as I possibly can.


  1. And he is a delight. With thick, dark eyelashes and eyes that follow you everywhere. And smiles. Lovely, generous smiles. So glad you're getting one-on-one time, even if it is 3 in the morning. :)

  2. He is so beautiful!!! give him and his brother a big kiss for me!
